Is It Really the Plumber?

Last week you hired a plumbing company to fix the leaky pipes below your kitchen sink. However, when the plumber arrived at your home, your spouse doesn’t quite know what to think. They opened the door to find a guy attired in jeans and a well-worn shirt, saying, “I am the plumber from x company.”

However, except for the toolbox and truck they don’t look like a home repair service professional.

So, before letting them in, you get a “double check” phone call and then your spouse keeps a very close eye on the unknown plumber in their home.

Think about it. Except for policemen and emergency medical professionals, when do you let a complete stranger walk into your home, no questions asked?

Onsite Appearance Makes the Customer Feel More Confident About Your Company 

Gaining your customer’s confidence and helping them feel comfortable are two of the more serious reasons to provide your contractors with professional shirts. Your contractors’ onsite professional appearance with your logo on the front and back benefits you and your business in a variety of ways.

  • When you or your employees show up at a customer’s home or worksite, you’re recognized as a safe professional that they hired and can welcome in without concerns.
  • Neighbors can easily identify your business, increasing the likelihood that they will ask your customer about your services.
  • As the contractor travels around town, their appearance and your logo raises the awareness of your business with potential customers.
  • Sharp shirts simplify the “professional attire” discussion with your contractors, allowing you (and them) to focus on customer service and other issues.
  • The right attire showcases the professionalism of your business, contractors and other employees.

Don’t downgrade the importance of motivation and appreciation. Your business’s reputation and belief in your contractors’ work, rubs off on them, when they wear great looking shirts provided by you.

So the next time you see one of your contractors, step back and ask yourself. “Do they look like a professional? Would I let them into my home if I didn’t know them?” If you answer no, to either question, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Contact us (513-620-8319) today to get started!