Graphic Image Promotions knows the companies we work for and have had relationships with most of them for up to 5-10 years or more. There are companies out there who provide a low price with very low service. This is rarely a good choice for lean companies who want customized signage, apparel, or promotional products. Some companies are just too big for their own good. You’ll be surprised by our competitive pricing and even more surprised by our outstanding service. We are a just phone call away and in your backyard when you need help, so when you want it done right the first time, contact us first (513-620-8319).

Some Major Goof-ups by the Big Boys…

 About Graphic Image Promotions

Graphic Image Promotions creates custom signageapparel and promotional products that  materialize your brand, message or service.  We partner with you to create the best apparel, product, or signage for your project. We don’t look at projects as one time transactions. We work with you to create a strategy for your promotions, so all your projects have the cumulative effect of achieving your marketing goals. Graphic Image Promotions goes the extra “customer service” mile for our customers and guarantees your project will be on time and on budget.

Contact us (513-620-8319) to get started on a promotional strategy today!